Offsite: Read GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy Together

Orthodoxy by GK ChestertonMatthew Lee Anderson and Trevin Wax are hosting a group discussion of GK Chesterton’s classic book Orthodoxy.  I have read Orthodoxy (but it has been a while).

The discussion opened with a post on why you should read orthodoxy a couple days ago.  And then once a week there will be a new post on the next one to two chapters.

Orthodoxy (and GK Chesterton in general) is a book that would benefit from reading with a group and reading with a guide that has prepared some discussion and explanation.  Chesterton is both fascinating and occasionally infuriating, but he is worth reading.

Matthew Lee Anderson prepared a free edition of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy that includes a chapter out of Anderson’s latest book.  You can download the Amazon Kindle version here.

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