The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippetts Note: The Kindle edition is currently on sale for $2.99.
Author, blogger, wife and mother Kara Tippets has written “œThe Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard” charting her spiritual journey from her childhood, to her early days of marriage and motherhood, and to the present as she fights her multiple battles with cancer.

I must tell you I find this review very difficult to write. Kara’s story is most likely not going to have a happy ending, in human terms. It’s hard to not be affected by Kara’s reality, especially reading her blog “œMundane Faithfulness“ or seeing the updates on her Facebook page; but I so desperately appreciate her allowing other people to be a part of her journey. She’s living honestly and beautifully.

Kara writes openly about her reality without oversharing. She consistently points her readers to God’s promises and discusses her daily, sometimes moment by moment struggle to grab on to God’s grace in the midst of pain. Kara and her husband, Josh, have a goal of walking through this journey as “œbroken but not bitter”. One by one, Kara gently dismantles the beliefs many of us actively and subtly believe. We are not promised long lives, pain free existences, or trouble free days. But we are promised something better.

Tippetts has a simple and beautiful writing style with a gift of getting down to the bare bones of what she wants to communicate. She has a knack for writing phrases that will stick with the reader long after the book is completed. Once such phrase is echoing in my own mind, “œWe are not the Authors of our own story”.

The Hardest Peace is not an easy read. It will hurt your heart, especially if you are in the midst of your own hard, but I highly recommend it. Kara (I feel like I can address her by her first name) is using her story to point people to God. Her story may not end in the way we would hope, in our humanness, but she reminds us hope exists, God’s promises are real and grace is available.

I pray she and her family will find some moments of “œnormal” as she undergoes her latest round of treatment and her prayers for her husband and children to come to fruition.

Thank you for sharing your story, Kara

The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippetts Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook

Audiobook is discounted to $2.99 with purchase of Kindle Book  

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