

This blog grew out of a love of reading and a desire to share.  Started in 2009 as MrShields.com, it transitioned to March 2011 to Bookwi.se to bring in more contributors, more books and more ideas.

As my time has shifted because of parenting and the book world has shifted, I am back to primarily publishing only my own reviews. I am a stay-at-home Dad and part-time non-profit consultant.  Over the past couple of years, my primary focus has been history, race, spiritual growth, and spiritual direction. I still try to be balanced and read about 40% fiction, but I tend toward more non-fiction than fiction. I have also been trying to be more balanced in my reading and to read more books by women, minorities, and authors from outside the US. I am not setting a quota but trying to be intentional. Link to Adam’s Book Review Posts (All but about 200 of the posts at Bookwi.se were originally written by me.)

I would welcome more book contributors. If you are interested in contributing, please reach out to Adam Shields on Facebook, Twitter, or Email (adamrshields at gmail dot com).

I am also a Spiritual Director; you can learn more about that at my Spiritual Direction website. https://aspiritualdirector.com/

Past Contributors:

  • Vikki Huisman – Writer and a virtual executive assistant in Illinois.  She and her husband, Rick, have been married for 20 years. When she’s not working or acting as a chauffeur to her three kids, she blogs at vikkihuisman.wordpress.com. Link to Vikki’s Book Review Posts
  • Elizabeth Lynn – Elizabeth Lynn is a writer based in the Windy City. When she’s not reading or writing, she can usually be found seeing the latest blockbusters with a large popcorn in hand. She loves seeing book adaptations on the screen, as well as anything with a dystopian or apocalyptic theme. Link to Elizabeth’s Book Review Posts
  • Emily Flury is a  former teacher, now stay at home mom. She enjoys listening to audiobooks and loves a good book for an escape. Emily primarily is responsible for the joint Book and Movie Reviews.  Link to Emily’s Book Review Posts
  • Seth Simmons – I developed a love for fiction during childhood, and my adult interests now include just about everything–theology, politics, economics, history, and science. I typically have anywhere from 5-10 books “open” at any one time, and my to-read list keeps getting longer and longer. I love to discuss the books I read, and writing reviews helps to clarify my thinking on them. Link to Seth’s Book Review Posts

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Any post tagged with Blogger Review Post has had the book or audiobook provided free or been sponsored content. All opinions are the author’s alone.