How to Use an Runaway Truck Ramp by Shawn Smucker and Maile Smucker

After years of talking about taking a trip across the United States, Shawn and Maile Smucker step out on the adventure of a lifetime. They move the bulk of their family’s possessions into storage, borrowed his uncle’s Bus/RV, load their children and set out. Along the way, while learning about driving a huge bus, emptying the holding tank, lighting the furnace, and troubleshooting electrical systems, they also learn a great deal on what is truly important. Many of the things that had seemed important just weeks before leaving on the trip quickly became less important as they refocused their interests and values.

The book is chock full of humorous anecdotes. It is not only a journey across the country, but it is also spiritual journey, and a journey in parenting. I greatly enjoyed this book. It took me through a range of emotions for laughing to weeping. I recommend it to anyone who has children or has a wandering lust and needs a nudge to take a little risk, step outside their comfort zone and live.

How to Use an Runaway Truck Ramp by Shawn Smucker and Maile Smucker Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition