My uncle recommended the Underground Church: Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus by Robin Meyers. I picked it up before Christmas but I have only read the introduction and first chapter. I am sure I will return to it soon.
In the meantime I read this review written by Anna Madsen from Christian Century last week.
The whole time I was reading Robin Meyers’s The Underground Church, I couldn’t shake the presence of Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann, and I kept trying to figure out why I kept writing “œWB” (Walter Brueggemann) as often as “œNB” (nota bene).
The goal of The Underground Church is to wake up the church to its primal calling to be radical and therefore dangerous, to be edgy, powerful love-in-motion. Meyers’s prose helps him achieve his objective, for it is itself dangerous and edgy and powerful. In the book, Meyers faces off against trammeling myths of and within the Christian tradition, against the suffocating security of a safely played faith, and against the “œpleasantification” of what is, at root, a movement of protest. The effect, Meyers hopes, is that a religion of recited creeds will become instead””or rather, become again””a religion of impassioned trust in the way of Jesus.
continue reading the rest of the review at Christian Century