Slate posted their Best Books of 2012 and then the Most Overlooked Books of 2012. That along with the New York Times Lists of Best Children’s Books and 100 Notable Books of 2012, The 2012 National Books Award Winners and the Amazon Lists of Best Books of 2012 and Best Children’s Books of 2012. There are some overlaps, but out of the 200 or so unduplicated best books of 2012, I have read precisely one of them (Divergent which was on Amazon’s best Teen Books list).
It is not that I don’t read, I am on track to read between 180 and 190 books this year. Part of it is that I read more genre fiction and Christian non-fiction, both of which tend to not show up on these Best of.. lists. But there are just so many books!
I will start putting together my best of list for the year in the next couple weeks. What are your best books of 2012 (whether written or read in 2012)?