Tribes Group Blogging Project

I listened to this book on audio book about a year ago and thought it was great. I encouraged some work contacts to use it as a discussion book, I supported this group. But the more I re-read the more frustrated I get. It is not that I don’t agree with much of what he … Read more

Tribes: a blogging book club is hosting a blogging project to discuss the Seth Godin book Tribes.  You can get the overview here. Each day a different person is leading the discussion on several pages.  The list of the blog of the day is on the overview page.  The first day’s discussion is here

Summer Reading Club Update Week 3

This week I read a very good book about a guy that builds schools in rural Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is called “Three Cups of Tea“. There are several thoughts I had about this book. First, he makes a strong point of the fact that what he does in rural development is a probably doing … Read more

Summer Reading Club

Mark Lee of Third Day fame has started his summer reading club on his blog. Instructions are that we are supposed to talk about the last two books we read. I have a bad habit of usually reading at least three books at any one time. I listen to one from, read one on … Read more