Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity by Mark Batterson

Takeaway: A partially lame church is not going to show the fullness of the incarnation. Purchase Links: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook I have been participating in a group blog working through Primal.  The group blog had a separate blogger blog through each chapter.  You can find all the posts here. I blogged chapter 4 but wanted … Read more

Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom

Takeaway: Good introduction to an Eastern Orthodox conception of prayer. Purchase Links: Paperback, Audiobook I have read a lot of books on prayer.  According to my tag cloud on this blog I have 22 posts on books that are significantly about prayer.  So maybe I do not really need to read more books about … Read more

Eternity’s Edge (Echoes from the Edge Book #2) by Bryan Davis

Summary: A decent second book in a Christian science fiction (young adult) series. Falls a bit flat with some characters but overall worth the read. Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook Eternitiy’s Edge is the second book in a contemporary Fantasy trilogy.  I think it is officially listed as a Science Fiction, but seems … Read more

The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond by Bill Hybels

Takeaway: God still speaks.  It is our job to listen. Purchase Links: Kindle Edition, Hardback, Audiobook I expect that The Power of a Whisper will get some bad reviews.  Many people do not think that God still speaks (either audibly or through nudges).  And after reconsidering my (now edited) review from last week of Christian Atheist, I want … Read more

A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller – A Second Look

Takeaway: “Until you are convinced that you can’t change your child’s heart, you will not take prayer seriously.” This is the first of my “Read Again” posts.  I read quickly and I read a lot.  Which does not alway lend itself to actually putting into practice what I am learning when I read.  So I am … Read more

The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But Live as if He Doesn’t Exist by Craig Groeschel

I have added an ending to this review after reconsidering it a bit.  I have not edited the original review, just added at the end. Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook The Christian Atheist is a great book title.  I have heard a number of people recommend this book so I picked it up … Read more

Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty by Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman

Takeaway: Africa is not poor and hungry all by itself.  There are many reasons, but Africa (and other areas of poverty) do not need to remain hungry. Purchase Links: Hardback, Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty is an important book.  It is not an exciting … Read more