Green Like God: Unlocking the Divine Plan for Our Planet by Jonathan Merritt

Takeaway: Being Green is fashionable. Being Anti-Green is almost as fashionable. Being reasonable about things, definitely not fashionable. Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook (at posting time, the audiobook is a great price – $6.95) In Green Like God, Jonathan Merritt is attempting, from a fairly conservative theological and social position, to chart out … Read more

Unfashionable by Tullian Tchividjian Part 1

Unfashionable is not the book I thought I was getting.  And that is a good thing.  I picked it up in audiobook because it was just $6.36 at Audible.  I thought it would be ok.  What I had heard about it (which wasn’t much, I read an interview on Christianity Today with Tullian Tchividjian and followed the drama at … Read more

The Noticer by Andy Andrews

What I liked about The Noticer The Noticer was the first book that Thomas Nelson Publishers tried in their NelsonFree program.  NelsonFree was an attempt at encouraging the purchase of hardback books.  With the purchase of a hardback you would get a code to receive the ebook and the mp3 audiobook free for download.  Here is Michael … Read more

A Praying Life by Paul Miller

Takeaway: Practically, prayer is about investing in those around you.  Developing a life of prayer requires that we have relationships that we want to seek after God for their benefit Purchase links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook If you want to learn about the variety of Prayer you should read Richad Foster’s Prayer. If you want to … Read more

Calibre: ebook management software

Once you have an ereader for a while you need some system for managing the book, a library.  When you have physical books that means getting shelves and maybe organizing them according to some system.  When you have ebooks it means some sort of database system.  Some people use an excel file or basic database. … Read more