Takeaway: A fairly basic overview of prayer from Jesus and the Apostles.
Purchase Links: It is out of print. Amazon has some used versions
I have been trying to read good books on prayer from a variety of Christian denominations and background. I have read a couple Roman Catholic and Orthodox books. This is the first from an Anglican. Michael Ramsey was the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1961 to 1974.
Amazon has 16 books by him, although it appears that only a couple are still in print.
Be Still and Know is a brief book (108 pages in my version). The first section is biblical look at how Jesus and the apostles prayed. The second part is more of an instructional/historical look at prayer.
This book was recommended as one of the classic books on prayer. And while it is not bad, I would never call it a classic on prayer. It is OK. But there are many other books on prayer that are much better. I am going to expand a list I did earlier (sorry for repeating material, but I still think it is valid.)
If you want to learn about the variety of Prayer you should read Richad Foster’s Prayer.
If you want to motivation on why to prayer, especially as a pastor read EM Bounds.
If you want stories of how prayer makes a difference read Reese Howell: Intercessor.
If you want to see how prayer fits into spiritual disciplines overall read Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.
If you want a book on how to develop a life of prayer read A Praying Life.
If you want a classic look at how to develop a prayer life over 31 days try Andrew Murray’s With Christ in the School of Prayer.
If you are a skeptic about prayer and want to explore it from that perspective try Phillip Yancey’s Prayer.
If you want a book about praying the big prayers in life try Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick.
If you want a good book on leading prayer in small group settings try Together in Prayer by Andrew Wheeler
There are many other books on prayer that I think are good. Because there are so many good books on prayer, I suggest you skip this book and focus on the others.