I read a lot of good book reviews. So I thought I might start sharing them.
The Cross and The Lynching Tree by James H Cone at Englewood Book of Reviews – Even if you don’t agree with Cone’s theology, he is a good writer and worth listening to. EBR is giving away six copies of the book.
Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good by Amy Sherman at The Gospel Coalition – “The author’s well-placed concern is that many church leaders are woefully inadequate at equipping their congregational members to connect Sunday worship with Monday work.”

Reamde by Neal Stephenson at Books and Culture – Have not read Reamde yet, but it is on my wishlist.
Earthen Vessels by Matthew Lee Anderson at Books and Culture – I think Earthen Vessels was much better than the reviewer did. I just bought an audio copy this week to re-read it. The Bookwi.se review.
Near Emmaus is working thru each of the propositions asserted by John Walton’s The Lost World of Genesis One. The earlier Bookwi.se Review