I had a conversation with the Author in the comments of my review on Amazon. I am reprinting that conversation here. I need to re-read the books because clearly I did not get all of it. Whenever I disagree with an author, I want to make sure that I am communicating their argument correctly, in a way that they would agree that I have understood. Farley was kind enough to dialogue with me to move me closer to understanding what he was trying to communicate. The conversation is at the bottom.
Takeaway: The overall point, that Jesus plus anything else is no longer the Gospel, is right. But his method of dismissing most of scripture, including much of Jesus’ own teaching, makes it so I am hesitant to recommend it.
It took me about 3 years, but I finally got around to reading this book (or most of it anyway.) A friend asked me what I thought of it and gave me a copy, but we were never able to schedule a time to talk about it, and I did not read it until now.
Farley grew up in a legalistic church background. He reached a crisis of faith when he realized he never could share the gospel with enough people, he never could live righteous enough, he could never become holy by his own power.
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