Takeaway: No matter how serious the topic, sometimes it is good to just laugh.
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One of the chapters that I really enjoyed with David Dark’s Sacredness of Questioning Everything was about Questioning our Offendedness. It is easy to be offended when people do not believe as you do or seem to make fun of what you consider essential. David Dark has a useful understanding of being able to laugh at yourself and your beliefs. Whenever you are offended instead of seeking after the understanding, hurt or incredulity that is often root of humor I think it can help to build a bridge toward relationship instead of pushing people away.
I heard of Satan Loves You when a friend on Goodreads.com (a social network for readers) wrote a quick review of it. It sounded like a fun bit of satire. And I like satire and humor. Christopher Moore’s Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff and Piers Anthony’s Incarnations of Immortality series are two very different takes on how different authors have attempted to make fun of religion through fiction. (Norman Mailer’s The Gospel According to the Son is a negative example.)