The Sacredness of Questioning Everything by David Dark

Takeaway: Openness to questioning your beliefs and understanding primarily is about relationship.  If we are unable to question, we are unable to build relationships with anyone that does not believe exactly as we do. Early in the book David Dark quotes Flannery O’Conner as saying, “The cultivation of skepticism is a sacred obligation because skepticism keeps … Read more

Night School by Mari Manciusi

Takeaway: Teen vampire books don’t all have to be overly concerned with Team Edward/Team Jacob to be good. Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition – Not lendable – 256 pages in print This was a free kindle book.  I have read Twilight and some of the other teen vampire books so I have some context about … Read more

Phenomenal Girl 5 by A. J. Menden

Takeaway: This is a superhero/comicbook/romance novel.  No great take aways.  But a fun book. Purchase Link: Paperback, Kindle Edition Almost ever fiction book I read I think I should be reading more fiction.  Fiction is fun.  It is great to just distract you or make you laugh or make you think. Phenomenal Girl 5 (the first … Read more

On Bullshit by Harry G Frankfurt

Takeaway: Bullshit, like Truth is hard to define. But still worth thinking about. Purchase Links: hardcover, kindle edition, audiobook (Audiobook is cheapest right now) This is a serious book.  Primarily philosophy and linguistics.  I bought it because I both have problems with exagerating my certainty about things and people that always seem to be … Read more