High Fidelity by Nick Horby

This was a free audiobook from Audible.com.  I saw the movie but hadn’t read the book before.  The book was based in London instead of Chicago (Not New York, thanks Jay) but had a very similar sensibility.  It was well written and much more centered around talking about sex than the movie.  (And less about the … Read more

Julia Child's "My Life In France"

Like most people currently reading My Life in France, I recently saw the movie Julie and Julia. And like everyone that I know, the movie made me interested in Julia Child but a little repulsed by Julie Powell (at least as portrayed in the movie, although I have several friends that have read the book … Read more

Light and Glory Initial Impressions

I have just finished listening Light and Glory.  I picked it up in an Audible.com sale for $5.  I had heard it was a good book and didn’t even bother to read the description, after all it was $5.  I honestly thought it was about early missionaries.  Had Audible had the complete title on their … Read more

Trust Agents Group Blog

I am participating in another group blog.  This time with the book “Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust“.  This is a book about how to use social media properly.  I have read enough that I bought the book for some people I know at a non-profit that I … Read more

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer

Takeaway: Real people are complicated, which shouldn’t keep us from appreciating great work. I started reading this book because I did not know much about the creation of the atomic bomb or anything about Robert Oppenheimer.  While it is interesting to learn about Oppenheimer and the bomb, what is most interesting for me is the history of … Read more

Simple Church Group Blogging Project

I am participating in another group blogging project.  This time we are discussing  “œSimple Church” by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. We hope you’ll join us on our individual blogs as we discuss individual chapters. Here’s the lineup that will start on October 5th. Andy Darnell ““ Chapter 1 ““ 10/5 – posted Anthony Prince … Read more

The Search for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer that Changed the World

This is an unusual book.  First of all, the in the US there is a pretty clear anti-drinking message by the church, so anything that merges drinking and God is usually suspect.  The first chapter of this book does a good job giving a history of beer, civilization and the church.  I think it makes a … Read more

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and Blue Like Jazz: The story of a story

  When I started reading “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” I had never read a book by Donald Miller (or at least I didn’t think I had. When I was looking at Donald Miller’s Wikipedia page I realized I had read his first book “Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance“.) Many, many … Read more

Watch on the Rhine by John Ringo

Here is the good part, Baen is a great publisher and believes in DRM-free books.  They sell their books at reasonable prices and give a lot of them away free. What is the bad part?  This book is very predictable and not worth reading. I wish Ringo had skipped a few of these books and made … Read more