I am not sure how to review Horizon. It is the fourth book in a series. I have listened to all this series on Audible. The narration is good and the story isn’t bad. But like many series I wonder at the end if it was worth the effort to get there.
There was more than 50 hours devoted to the series. I like the characters and I like the basic story arc. But at some point in most fiction book series they get boring. And as I get older I am less prone to want to waste time on books that I get bored with. Each of the books has the same basic fight, just different details.
I am probably being too hard on the book. I listened to it quickly (almost 16 hours over a 4 or 5 day period) so it can’t have been too bad. I like the author. She wrote one of my favorite series, the Vorkosigin novels. But also another series that I didn’t even make it through the second book.