Takeaway: This is a great example of Christian autobiography. It tells a good story, inspires me to greater devotion, and makes me want more.
David Nasser tells a good story. That the story happens to be about him and real is even better. I know Nasser through his connection to the Glory Revealed projects. I read the book that he wrote in connection with the first CD. I still frequently listen to the two CDs that are part of the Glory Revealed project.
I might have forgotten Nasser, but he and his family are family friends with my wife’s cousin’s family. I haven’t ever met him, but I know they vacation together regularly and so I have heard about him.
David and his family escaped from Iran during the 1979 revolution. David’s father was a Colonel in the Iranian Air Force and was in danger of being killed under the new regime. They eventually made their way to the United States and David eventually became a Christian. This is the story of how that happened and how he has gone on to become a speaker, writer and pastor.
The book is fairly brief (the audio is unabridged and only 4 hours 21 minutes or 171 pages in hardback), but it is well worth the short read (or listen). I enjoyed it more for the stories than the great insights. It is not that his insights are bad, but that his stories are really good.
I have been trying to do Morning and Evening fixed hour prayers (not so fixed in my life but trying). The evening prayer for this week (I am out of season but this is the prayer book I found for kindle) includes this line, “Give me instead things that are profitable for me and all who seek rightly to praise you. I ask this grace in the company of all believers…” David Nasser’s story is this for me. It is a profitable story that reminds me what it means to follow God. This is why I like Christian biographies so much. I cannot live just on Christian biography, I need more, but when I do read Christian biography like this I am nourished.
Any suggestions on a Christian biography that is particularly good?
Jumping Through Fires by David Nasser Purchase links: Hardback, Kindle Edition, Audible.com Audiobook, christianaudio.com MP3 Audiobook

wow. this looks a lot better than that old theme…