Summary: A series of short stories about Lord Peter Wimsey.
It has literally been months since I started reading Lord Peter Views the Body. I am not really a fan of short story collections. I am not sure what I do not like about them as a category. I was inspired to go back and finish this book after reading another in the Her Royal Spyness series. (It is a modern cozy mystery series that is set at the same time as Sayers’ older Lord Peter Wimsey series and occasionally pays homage to Sayers.)
But in this case the Wimsey short stories just did not seem to develop the Lord Peter character. They reminded me more of what I do not like about Sherlock Holmes. There was conjecture and coincidence, and he solved crimes but except for a couple, most of them just seemed fairly dull. The spark that was in the first two books just seemed to be missing.
I ran across an old post at Englewood Review of Books about the best order to read Dorothy Sayers mysteries and I think I am going to take its advice. In general I really like to read books in order, but sometimes I submit to the wisdom of reading books out of order. I read John le Carré out of order starting with the The Spy Who Came In From the Cold and then the Karla Trilogy then went back and read the first books in the series before moving to the last and it was a good order. So I think I will start my next Dorothy Sayers book with Strong Poison.
Lord Peter Views the Body Purchase Links: Kindle Edition
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