This is the 50th Anniversary of CS Lewis’ death. That is why McGrath’s new biography of Lewis was released along with his even newer academic treatment of Lewis’ intellectual life (The Intellectual World of CS Lewis). After reading McGrath’s biography I decided to read through a number of Lewis books.
But for those that have not read anything other than Mere Christianity or the Narnia books, Englewood Review of Books has a post on 7 Lesser Known books by CS Lewis that is worth checking out. It has short descriptions of 7 different books and why they are worth reading.
Related Book Reviews of Books by or about CS Lewis
- CS Lewis: A Life by Alister McGrath
- The Silver Chair by CS Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia #4)
- The Horse and His Boy by CS Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia #5)
- The Magician’s Nephew by CS Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia #6)
- The Last Battle by CS Lewis (Chronicle of Narnia #7)
- Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis (Space Trilogy)
- Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
- Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life by CS Lewis
- Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer by CS Lewis
- Reflections on the Psalms by CS Lewis
- Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis
- And God Came In: The Extrodinary Life of Joy Davidman by Lyle Dorsett (CS Lewis’ Wife)