New Harry Potter Covers

According to a Scholastic press release and a gawker article, Harry Potter is getting new covers to celebrate its 15th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The Anniversary Box Set with all new covers will be released in September. As far as I can tell, only the one cover has been released.

Writers on the Classics

Chris Smith, the editor of Englewood Review of Books, has challenged us all to read more classics this year. To give us suggestions, Smith has asked a number of writers to give suggestions of classics that are worth reading.  I posted about the first two of these lists, but more suggestions have been posted.  Here … Read more

Wool Books 4 and 5 (The Unraveling & Stranded) by Hugh Howey

Wool 4 - The Unraveling

Summary: After the first three books gave background, book four and five move into full blown action.

There is no way to review books 4 and 5 without giving away some spoilers.  So if you have not read books 1 to 3, please skip this review and read the review of books 1 to 3 then read books 1 to 3 and then come back. (SPOILER ALERT)

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Offsite: Read This, Not That

The Parchment Girl blog is back.  Parchment Girl (aka Kate) after a hiatus has started blogging again.  Today she posted, “Read This, Not That: Overrated Christian Bestsellers and Lesser Known Alternatives“. I think this is a great idea for book bloggers to highlight lesser known (and often better) books.  I am not an expert in … Read more

MacMillan Reaches Price Ebook Fixing Settlement with DOJ

Seal of the United States Department of Justice
Seal of the United States Department of Justice (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have posted about ebook price fixing settlements in the past.  The short version is that the US Department of Justice sued 5 of the 6 major publishing houses as well as Apple for colluding to fix the prices of their books.  That is because they all signed an agreement for what they call Agency Pricing.  Agency pricing said that no one could sell the books at any price other than the price set by the publisher.

By definition this is price fixing.  The publisher said that with ebook, the ebook stores such as Amazon are not actually the retailer, but but an agent for the sales, so it was not price fixing because it is the publishers themselves that are the retailers.

Macmillan was the last of the publishers to reach a settlement with the DOJ according to CNet and other new sources.  Unless there is a settlement prior, Apple is schedule to go trial in June for orchestrating the price fixing agreement.

Amazon announced in October that under the terms of prior settlements, consumers that purchased ebooks under Agency pricing model from April 2010 to May 2012 will be entitled to $0.30 to $1.32 per book purchased depending on a formula that a judge is expected to approve today.

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RSS Feed

It seems the last week that most RSS subscribers have not received any updates.  I believe that it is now fixed.  Please glace back at the last week and see if there are any posts that you would like to read.

Scida – Kindle Management App for Mac

Scida Kindle Manager for Mac

If there is something that is lacking for the kindle, it is book management.  Many people are like me and have increasingly large ebook libraries and no good way to manage them.  Calibre has been the main option.  I use Calibre primarily to convert books between format or to correct book metadata.  But I have always thought Calibre was missing the boat on device syncing and working with Amazon on document management.

Scida is a new app for Mac design to just manage Kindles, Kindle books and Kindle Collections.

Scida is trying something different from Calibre.  So when I first tried it out I was not sure what it did. It does not convert between formats, it does not download metadata for books (although you can correct book metadata).

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