A Praying Life by Paul Miller

Takeaway: Practically, prayer is about investing in those around you.  Developing a life of prayer requires that we have relationships that we want to seek after God for their benefit Purchase links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audible.com Audiobook If you want to learn about the variety of Prayer you should read Richad Foster’s Prayer. If you want to … Read more

Calibre: ebook management software

Once you have an ereader for a while you need some system for managing the book, a library.  When you have physical books that means getting shelves and maybe organizing them according to some system.  When you have ebooks it means some sort of database system.  Some people use an excel file or basic database. … Read more

Your Church Is Too Small by John Armstrong (Part 3: Moving Forward)

Friday I posted about why the church should be working toward greater unity.  Saturday I posted about John Armstrong’s understanding of how to deal with issues of truth, individualism and how God works in history.  Today I am looking at how Your Church Is Too Small addresses steps to move forward. In the end I … Read more

Your Church Is Too Small by John Armstrong (Part 2: Truth, Church and God in History)

Part one of this review is here and part three is here. ___ Yesterday I posted an introduction to Your Church is too Small. It was mostly about why we as a church should strive toward unity.  Theorectially, I do not think many people disagree with the idea that the church of Jesus Christ should … Read more

Audible.com: A Review

This review is a bit over 4 years old now.  I have left the main review in place and just added some of the new features at the top. _______ Since Amazon purchased Audible they have been actively working to increase the integration of kindle books and audiobooks. This has happened several ways. The most … Read more