Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Takeaway: Life according to God’s purpose for us, may seem radical to others, but it should be more about obedience than an attempt at radicalness. Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook, Audiobook My wife and I read a few pages every night before we go to sleep.  Crazy Love was our most recent book. … Read more

Kindle Review: 1 year later

A year ago, the Kindle 2 was released.  I bought the first version of the Kindle in November 2008.  I was fairly pleased, but it was far from a perfect device. (My original review.)  Once the new version was announced I immediately put my kindle up for sale on Craigslist and sold it for $25 … Read more

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret

I have been wanting to read Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret for a while.  I read a short biography on Hudson Taylor a while ago and have been wanting to read a longer biography since then.  It is a public domain book, but I have not been able to find a good copy of it.  Project … Read more

Stones to Schools by Greg Mortenson

Stones to Schools is the second book by Greg Mortenson.  The first, Three Cups of Tea (my earlier review), tells of his failed attempt at climbing K2 and how he started the Central Asia Institute to build schools in Pakistan.  Stones to Schools picks up where Three Cups of Tea leaves off, right at the earthquake … Read more

New Series: Reading Tools

Given the positive comments that I have had from my Thursday free books posts I decided to add a Tuesday series as well.  I will continue to post reviews on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  And I will continue to post free books on Thursday. On Tuesdays I am going to post about Reading Tools.  This … Read more