I am reposting this 2014 review because the Kindle Edition is on sale for $1.99.
Takeaway: If you are serious about learning about prayer and have not read this book yet, you need to.
I have read this book at least once previously (and I think twice.) It would not be the first book I recommend to someone that want to start out learning about prayer. But it is one of the more important modern books on prayer.
Prayer is one of those topics in Christianity that is hard to write about. It is something learned best by doing and by being mentored by others. Surrounding yourself with people that pray is much better than surrounding yourself with books on prayer.
That being said, when you have spent time learning to pray with others, it is good to spend some time reading about the why and how of prayer. No book will fully explain that, of course. But Richard Foster does a very good job showing the different ways that prayer occurs within the Christian faith. Few modern authors are as widely read and as fluent in different streams of Christianity as Richard Foster. That is both helpful, and the primary reason I would not suggest this to someone that is new to prayer. There is just too much here for someone that does not have a good grounding and idea about what type of pray-er they are.
But the continual theme of the book, is that we should start where we are, pray as we can, try new forms and methods of prayer, but not get discouraged. Grace is a huge part of this book. There is grace for the busy person that wants to pray, but has a hard time finding time. There is grace for the experienced person that finds their prayers dry. There is grace for the tired.
I spend about two months slowly reading through this again. It is a good way to be encouraged in prayer. Take what you can, and then come back later and read it again.
Prayer by Richard Foster Purchase Links: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audible.com Audiobook
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