I am on vacation this week, so only pre-written reviews will be posted. Everything will be back to normal next week.
Summary: Everyday single mom finds out she is ‘a god’ with lots of powers and even more responsibilities (and people trying to kill her.)
It is summer and for me that means at least some mindless fun books. On spring break I read Huntress, the first book in this series.
Grace Murphy is a romance writer, recently divorced single mom, a bit of a sci fi geek and quite recently found out that she is the daughter of Diana.
In this series the Greek god are not actually gods, but a race of people from another world that protect the Earth from cross-dimensional bad guys. Grace has been hidden for her own protection and in the previous book came to terms with her new life.
She had a thing going with Adonis (Drew) who was her primary trainer and she reunited with her father who due to some miscommunication kidnapped and tortured her for a while.
But now things are mostly better until her sister shows up (who everyone thought was dead) and tries to kill her. And who happens to be married to Drew. And then her mother gets kidnapped.
And so this book is set up. The romantic tension is back on again. There is a new set of villains. And Grace has a new set of challenges. It is a fun series. I am borrowing them from the Kindle Lending Library and I am now in the middle of the third book as I write this.
Rifts by Nicole Hamlett Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition
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