Around Christmas, John Armstrong had a couple posts about this book. The basic idea of the book is to encourage non-erotic (platonic) cross gender friendships among Christians.
This is a fairly delicate subject because we all know affairs and issues that arise from cross gender friendship.
I think this book makes a fairly strong case that friendships in general and cross gender friendship in particular are important and that we need to both encourage and strengthen them (in part to help marriages and singles.)
I purchased 15 copies of the book and will give them out to people that would like to read the book and converse around the topic on the blog.
I would like to get a number of people that are in different backgrounds (married, single, divorced, male, female, church staff, stay at home parents, etc.) I also want some people that think that cross gender friendship are a bad idea. Because I want this to be a read discussion.
About 6-8 of the books are already spoken for. So I have about half of the books free to give out. Let me know if you are interested.
The book is short and the format will be a chapter discussion. (Only 7 chapters, so not everyone will be able to (have to depending on your views) write a chapter post.)
I’d be open to an online book discussion. Let me know what you need from me.
Count me in. Single male 57years old
I would be interested. Let me know what you need from me and to know from me.
I think I have four books left over as of right now. If I am mailing it to you, I will try to get it in the mail today.