Advertising on

1 FREE Audiobook RISK-FREE from Audible
Blogging is not a lucrative project.  Since starting this blog my return has been less than $0.50 per post, and that is before expenses.  My blogging is not primarily to make money, but I also do want to pay attention to both costs and my time.  Last fall I added advertising spots onto the blog.  I just used Google Adsense, which is easy to administer.  After nearly a year I am going to branch out and ad as a regular advertiser.  For the time being one of my ad spots will be and the other two will continue to be the Google Adsense.

By far the majority of the income of this blog (around 95%) has been from Amazon Affiliate links.  When you click on a link and purchase something on Amazon 4-10% of the purchase price (depending on the item and number of other sales that month and other thing) comes back to as an Amazon Gift Card (which I usually use for more books.)  Unfortunately, free kindle books do not generate any income.  But if you want to support, clicking on links (whether you buy the book that is linked or another product) is a great help.

Also starting today has been approved for Affilate program, which works in a similar way.  So all book links are also affiliate links and will generate referral income if you purchase a book on Audible or become a member.

Book choices continue to be made by the authors of each review.  Some books (less than 15% historically) have been provided free by the author or publisher for purposes of review.  Any book provided free is given away if it is a physical copy and all reviews where the book was provided for free have a disclosure statement at the bottom of the review and can be found at the Blogger Review Books link.

If you have any questions or concerns about the advertising please contact me via Twitter, the Facebook Fan Page, or my personal email – adam at chicago2000 dot net.

It is my goal for the advertising to generate some income, and at the same time not be annoying.

Thank you for supporting

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