I have now completed my transition to the new server. Unfortunately there was an error and I lost 10 days of posts. I have reposted the book reviews. (And unfortunately that means email subscribers have just received a number of old posts.)
I will not repost free or sale posts for the last week so I don’t annoy all of my email subscribers, especially since many of the free books are no longer free.
Posts going forward should not have a problem. Thanks for your patience.
Dude, you are providing a free service. There is no need to apologize. We understand. And thanks for the daily deals
I completely agree with Hermonta. You provide us with a great service. We are very grateful that you go to all this trouble, especially having to work with and change internet servers! The dwarves and Biblo didn’t have a more difficult time getting through Mirkwood than I am sure you had getting through that transition. Glad you only lost a few things, your sanity not being among them.