Read Again: Scripture and the Authority of God by NT Wright

Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today

Takeaway: I do not know any book that takes the reading, study and importance of scripture more seriously than this book.

Normally I do not read a book so quickly after I read it the first time. But I am going backpacking next week, and the group decided to read two books in advance so we can discuss them as we are hiking.  This group of guys has been going on a trip together since spring of 1995 (17 trips total).  We are all in quite different places since we started, we have all graduated from college, completed 5 masters degrees, a PhD and an MD between the six of us.  We are all now married and have 16 children between us.  We now live outside of Chicago, Toronto, Paris, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Dallas.  We work as a nanny, a family practice doctor, a Hebrew/Old Testament professor, a missionary, a trader and a computer consultant for an HR firm.

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Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Vol. 5)Takeaway: This is one of the classics that everyone should read.

Over the past few years there has been renewed interest in Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  There is a very good documentary (available for streaming on Netflix).  Then two biographies of Bonhoeffer have been published in the last two years (I reviewed Eric Metaxas’s  and have now read but have not read the Ferdinand Schlingensiepen biography, which has been much better received in the academic world and I think is a better biography.)

Much of the interest and resources for Bonhoeffer study is a result of a new 16 volume series of Bonhoeffer’s works.  Previous, to this series that is published in English by Fortress Press, there were only limited editions of Bonhoeffer’s books that had significant translation issues.

I have purchased three of these volumes (they are not cheap, so many people are still purchasing older editions.)  The volume that includes Life Together (Bonhoeffer’s most read book) also includes his book on the Psalms (Prayerbook of the Bible).  I am not reviewing Prayerbook of the Bible here, but will later.  There is a significant amount of extra material in these books to give context and understanding to these two short books.  Life Together is only a bit over 100 pages, but page for page I think is one of the most useful books I have ever read about spiritual growth and the role of community within the church.

The book has only six chapters (Preface, Community, Day Together, Day Alone, Service, and Confession/Communion.)

One of the most useful things that I heard on this reading (I have read this at least twice previously, but not in the last 10 years) was Bonhoeffer’s understanding of the limits and strengths of community. These are two long quotes, but I think shows that Bonhoeffer is not being idealistic about his view of Christian community:

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The Pastor: A Memoir (The Audiobook Review) by Eugene Peterson

Takeaway: On Audio, still the best general book on what it means to be a pastor I have ever read.

Purchase Links: Hardback, Kindle Edition, MP3 audiobook

I read this immediately after it came out just over a month ago.  I wrote a gushing review.  Then I was asked if I wanted to review the audiobook as well.  At first I thought I would just listen to a little bit of the audiobook and rework the original review a bit.  But this is a very good book.  And ‘reading’ it twice in less than six weeks is not too much.

Eugene Peterson reads the introduction and afterward himself.  So you get a sense of his own voice.  But it is narrated by Arthur Morey.  His voice is not the same as Peterson, but his reading understands the nature of the book.  As with many good narrators you forget the narration and hear the voice of the author, as the authors intends you to hear.

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Read Again: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney – Bible Intake

Takeaway for this chapter: If we are serious about our Christianity we must be intentional about scripture intake.  Reading is good, but we also need to think about and put what we read into practice. Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook, MP3 Audiobook I have been slowly working through Spiritual Disciplines for the … Read more

A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller – A Second Look

Takeaway: “Until you are convinced that you can’t change your child’s heart, you will not take prayer seriously.” This is the first of my “Read Again” posts.  I read quickly and I read a lot.  Which does not alway lend itself to actually putting into practice what I am learning when I read.  So I am … Read more