Some books are great for information and you read them quickly and you file the information away and move on. Other books require time to digest and respond. I started this book over two weeks ago and although it is not a long book (the main book is 153 pages and there is a long appendix of written prayers as examples) I have spend days on a short sections reflecting and putting into practice his teaching and suggestions. I finally have decided to just finish the book and allow myself to go back and re-read it slower later.
My first post about this book is a good introduction. I have not read another book that was specifically on the Lord’s Prayer (although a quick perusal at Amazon will show you that there are quite a few.) I have been working through Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney (which is very similar in many ways to Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline) I am reminded how much we need to not speed through things to get to the end. Our world does not value mulling over and meditating your way to a deep understanding. It is about quickness and cursory impressions. I listened to a reporters contest the other day where 3 reporters were given an hour to put together a 5 minute radio report. They didn’t get to the meat of the matter, they just go started. Much of my work on spiritual growth has been similar. I listen to audiobooks as I do data entry (and miss much of the content I know.) I read quickly enough that I have been able to post three times a week for the past couple months, three books a week.
Living Prayer encourages, and shows you how, to spend some real quality time with a very short section of scripture and a well known prayer. I can understand how you can spend months doing little more than relish the depth of it.
There are a couple of notes about formating. One of the things I really like was his scripture citations. He references a lot of scripture, but he doesn’t just give you the citation and move on like a lot of books. When that happens I almost never go and look it up, it just go based on my memory and a general idea of what is being talked about. Instead Dennis has all of the scriptures in footnotes at the bottom of the page. So you can read through them and know exactly what he is talking about.
How to win a copy of the book:
Just leave a comment below before Jan 11 at 5 PM Eastern and I will randomly choose from all commenters. Just for fun (does not matter to the give away) post what your favorite book on prayer is.
Disclosure: Dennis Fuqua is a friend that I have known for about 10 years or so. I have an ad for his book on the sidebar that I put up on my own without his request and am not being paid for. I am giving away these books at full price out of my pocket.
If you would like a copy of the book, it is currently only available at
(Sorry anyone that hit this post before 10:30 AM. The bottom section disappeared overnight. )
I definitely would like to this book, i really haven't read any book that talks about the lord's prayer other than the bible
Celebration of Discipline
Would LOVE a copy of this book — sounds like something I would enjoy and love to share with others. Thanks for the review. Certainly wasn't aware of it before.
A recommended book by my Pastor here in Baltimore. Would love to grab a free copy!!
I'd agree with the celebration of discipline. I'd love a copy of this book.
Anything that allows Christ to be more in my life so that others may want Him in theirs is welcome.
My favorite book on prayer is Praying God's Word by Beth Moore.
I'd love a copy as well! I'll start it right after I finish "Absolute Surrender"
The give away is closed. Since there was 8 I will go ahead and just send everyone a copy of the book.