I have been hit over and over and over again lately about how important it is to be intentional and regular in my bible study. I have read through the bible multiple times. I have a seminary degree and was a class short of a theology minor in college. But I feel like scripture is more a knowledge thing than something that is in my soul. What I can tell about most of the spiritual writers I read is that the real meaning of scripture has seeped into them.
So for the next year I am going to try a bible reading suggestion that I read recently. I am going to spend six month at a time on a single book. So my goal is 1) to read four books (mostly commentaries) about a particular book of the bible. 2) Read the book at least 10 times during the six months. 3) Memorize at least 10 verses of the book. The goal is not study, it is soul work.