Thoughts on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

I picked up the audiobook version of Atlas Shrugged for $5 when it was on sale at It is 63 hours long.  This will be my longest audiobook yet, beating our David McCollough’s Truman and Roy Jenkin’s Churchhill.  Interrestingly, neither seem to be offered any more at Audible in their unabridged versions. I am not going … Read more

Sun of Suns by Karl Schroeder

This is another free book from  I am not linking because it has been removed from the site.  I have never heard of the author before.  It is a great example of Free being used to introduce people to authors.  Evidently Schroeder isn’t a new author.  He has 12 books (including three in this … Read more

Eye of the Storm by John Ringo

As I have said before, I am a big fan of Baen publishers.  They have been working with ebooks long before the Kindle.  I have been reading Baen ebooks since around 2000.  I started reading on my Dell Axim pda.  I have now read well over 100 Baen books.  Many of them are miliary based … Read more

High Fidelity by Nick Horby

This was a free audiobook from  I saw the movie but hadn’t read the book before.  The book was based in London instead of Chicago (Not New York, thanks Jay) but had a very similar sensibility.  It was well written and much more centered around talking about sex than the movie.  (And less about the … Read more

Julia Child's "My Life In France"

Like most people currently reading My Life in France, I recently saw the movie Julie and Julia. And like everyone that I know, the movie made me interested in Julia Child but a little repulsed by Julie Powell (at least as portrayed in the movie, although I have several friends that have read the book … Read more

Light and Glory Initial Impressions

I have just finished listening Light and Glory.  I picked it up in an sale for $5.  I had heard it was a good book and didn’t even bother to read the description, after all it was $5.  I honestly thought it was about early missionaries.  Had Audible had the complete title on their … Read more

Trust Agents Group Blog

I am participating in another group blog.  This time with the book “Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust“.  This is a book about how to use social media properly.  I have read enough that I bought the book for some people I know at a non-profit that I … Read more