Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch

Christianity: The First Three Thousand YearsTakeaway: It is hard to discuss 3000 years of history.

Purchase Links: HardbackPaperback,Kindle Audiobook (The price has dropped in all formats so it closer to reasonable).

You may have seen the first 8 posts I made about this book (see bottom of review for links).  It is a very good book for the most part, but it was exhausting to post mini reviews and probably more exhausting to read them.  So about half way through I gave up reading the book and gave up writing posts about the book.

After a couple months I have come back and finished up the last 15 hours of the book and am ready to be done.  Not that it was not a very good book, but a book of this length and depth is not one I want to attempt again soon.

I appreciate the goal, placing Christianity in a historical context and then using the tools of history to give understanding to the whole of Christianity.  MacCulloch is not a theologian (or even a practicing Christian.)  But he does have a very wide and deep understanding of Christianity that he pushes to new depths.  In general, I think the goal was a good one.  Too often we want to look at bits and pieces of history and not look at it as a whole.  But with any attempt, there will be weaknesses.  And I think, some of MacCulloch’s tools were one of his weaknesses.  He is a historian and while using the tools of a historian gave some very impressive insights in some areas, his treatment of pre-Christian influences I thought seems needlessly antagonistic toward faith in general.  And unfortunately, that is the very beginning of the book.  Several Amazon reviews said they stopped in the first couple chapters, which is unfortunate.

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The Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad Thoughts by Lee Baer

The Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad ThoughtsSummary: A thorough review regarding obsessional thought only Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (aka “Pure O”)

Purchase Links: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Edition

As a psychologist, I am interested in staying updated on current academic literature. I was interested in reading Imp of the Mind by Lee Baer as I was told it focused almost completely on pure obsessional Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. So many people have the preconceived notion that OCD regularly manifests itself as Jack Nicholoson’s portrayal in as Good As it Gets (e.g. hand washing, stepping on cracks, being cleanly, etc). This can lead to misdiagnosis as obsessional ONLY OCD is actually the most common subtype. Most of the people suffering from this disorder are secretive regarding their obsessional thoughts as the thoughts tend to be violent or distressing, such as harming others or contracting a serious disease. It is unfortunate that uninformed individuals may fear individuals with OCD if their thoughts were disclosed. The one thing that OCD diagnosed people should know is that they are very unlikely, very very unlikely, to ever act on these thoughts, despite what their mind may tell them.

Dr. Baer conducted an excellent overview of obsessional only OCD as well as its’ treatment and course of therapy. He starts by giving an example of a man who became obsessed with having sexual intercourse with animals. He also discusses a priest with extremely sexual thoughts and a women consumed with believing she may be a pedophile. The very difficult thing for OCD sufferers is they are almost always aware that their thoughts are “unwanted” or “disgusting”, hence the “imp” invades the mind and makes the suffer worry more for having disturbing thoughts. The fact is that most people have unwanted thoughts and are able to brush these thoughts aside and think “That was strange” or “What a weird thought!’ For individuals diagnosed with OCD, they become hyper-focused on the thought and the interpretation of said thought, often characterizing themselves as “evil” or “bad” for having the unwanted thought. This can lead to anxiety and depressive symptoms as well.

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Three Junes by Julia Glass

Three Junes

Takeaway: Probably best suited for bored winter moments

I recently read Three Junes after it was recommended to me by several avid readers with glowing recommendations. I was a bit hesitant at first because this book is one of the “œmultiple perspectives” books which, at times, I find exhausting to read. This book has many themes, which include, but are not limited to, infidelity, fertility problems, aesthetic pleasures, extreme family discord, and most prominently, HIV/AIDS contraction and symptom management. Those are many differing and serious themes, even for a somewhat long book.

The problem with Three Junes is not that it is badly written. It tends to drag towards the middle but has some creative prose. The main issue I had with this bestseller is character development- specifically the question of WHY? Why does the main character engage in these activities? Why does he/she act this way? Why did he/she react this way? These questions never really get answered, for any of the three main characters (or main perspectives aka the three Junes/summers of the main characters), leaving the reader confused and feeling like the characters are one dimensional, and to be honest, stereotypical. Fenno, a gay book shop owning main character, feels especially rudderless. The decisions, or more accurately, his lack of decision and apparent apathy for life made him difficult to connect with on any level.

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RSS problems

I had a problem with the RSS feed.  It seems to have been caught in a loop with the and but not actually getting the any of the RSS subscribers.  So here are the posts that you may have missed. Book Reviews Night by Elie Wiesel When Two Become One: Enhancing Sexual Intimacy … Read more

When Two Become One: Enhancing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage by Christopher and Rachel McCluskey

When Two Become One: Enhancing Sexual Intimacy in MarriageTakeaway: Sex is too important to ignore and too important to just read about.  We need more mentors for couples.

Purchase Links: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Edition

My wife and I have been leading a small group for newly married couples for the past seven months.  We are just finishing up 8 weeks of discussion on sex in marriage.

I have read through several books on sex and marriage recently and this is one of the better ones I have read.  That is not to say it is perfect.  I still have yet to find a book that I can strongly recommend on the topic of sex in marriage.

There are several things I like about this book.  One, it has a clinical background.  So there are lots of stories of people seeking help.  And I think that saying that it is OK to seek out help is very important.  Second, there are many Christian books that do not really get into the actual activity of sex.  This book does in an appropriate way.  There are five chapters on the stages of sex (atmosphere, arousal, apex and afterglow).  These five chapters were the meat of the book and what we focused on in our small group.

I do appreciate the attempt at a big picture of what Christian sexuality is all about at the beginning of the book, but I think the book missed it.  Partially the problem is addressing a diverse audience.  You are going to offend or turn off someone no matter what you say, so I think it is hard to address sexuality in modern Evangelical world.  Honestly, I thought Washed and Waiting (an perspective on celibate homosexuality within the church) did a better job talking about the big picture of sexuality.

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Free Books, Paper Ones!

I love my kindle in large part because I do not need shelves for the books.  Part of my commitment to myself when I bought the kindle was to not build up a paper library.  So I give away almost all of my paper books once I have read them.  I also get a few, … Read more

Twice a Spy by Keith Thomson

Takeaway: Spy Thrillers are about the chase. Purchase Links: Hardback, Kindle Edition, Audiobook Twice a Spy is a sequel to Once a Spy, one of my favorite books last year.  The basic premise is that Drummond Clark, a retired appliance salesman, with middle stages of early onset Alzheimer’s, is actually a super spy.  Charlie, his … Read more

3 Free Kindle Books on Money

Some of the books from previous Free Book posts are still available for free. If you want to see all free books as they come out you should follow Books on the Knob on their RSSor Twitter Feed. As always please check to make sure the books are still free before you “œbuy” them, especially from Amazon. Prices can change quickly. … Read more

Citadel: Troy Rising Book 2 by John Ringo

Takeaway: Not really a fan of travel for work, but I am glad for fairly mindless audiobooks to keep me entertained. Purchase Links: Hardcover, Audiobook I can tell I am traveling because I am burning through audiobooks.  When I travel it mostly to do program observations of after school programs and then right up … Read more