Divine Justice by David Baldacci

I am on a self imposed book buying fast.  I am trying to work through a significant portion of my long backlog of books between now and the new year.  Divine Justice was free on Audible.com.  (It still is as of Aug 14, 2010.  You need to get the audible.com software for a blackberry.  It is a … Read more

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

I have been hearing nuggets about the book Drive fairly regularly since it came out last December.  Finally after yet another positive review from Tony Morgan, I picked it up. Drive is fascinating, although a little repetitive.  We are told over and over again, that the science of motivation is far from the business of actually motivating … Read more

New Kindles are out!

I tweeted yesterday that I am going to take a book buying fast until the new year.  And I feel I need to include the kindle in that book buying fast.  (In case you are wondering, I am going to give the equivelent or more to http://ahomeinhaiti.org/ to build houses for orphans there.  You can … Read more