The Host by Stephanie Mayer

Very different feel from the twilight books.  This is a faintly science fiction book.  It is an invation of the body snatchers story (or at least as much as the Twilight books were vampire books).
There is a light romance going on.  It is sort of like the Robert A. Heinlein book “I Will Fear No Evil”, in that there are two characters inside the brain that have lots of conversations.  The sexuality is much more tame than in Twilight.
I would recommend it as long as you like some science fiction.

I have a confession to make.  I have read all of the Twilight books.  Even the unpublished, unfinished one on the author’s website.  What is worse I really liked them.  I haven’t seen the movies and I am not a 14 year old girl.  But I thought I would go ahead and read them to see what was up with all of the drama.  (Don’t worry I won’t write a review of them here.)

Once I finished them I looked to see what else Stephanie Mayer had written.  The Host is it.  I found it on sale as an ebook and picked it up.  Very different feel from the twilight books.  This is a faintly science fiction book.  It is an invation of the body snatchers story (or at least as much as the Twilight books were vampire books).

There is a light romance going on.  It is sort of like the Robert A. Heinlein book “I Will Fear No Evil“, in that there are two characters inside the brain that have lots of conversations.  The sexuality is much more tame than in Twilight.

I would recommend it as long as you like some science fiction.

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