Summary: Charlie now knows who actually killed Alex and he is searching for Waterman, his best clue on how to get back to his normal life.
This is book three is the Homelanders series. You do not want to jump into the middle of this series.
This book picks up almost immediately after The Long Way Home. In the Long Way Home Charlie re-connected with his friends and girlfriend Beth. He found out how he got connected to the Homelanders, but there is still a year missing from his memory.
Klavan has done a good job in the series keeping the action moving, giving new information so the story moves and keeping the tension up.
Again I read this book in less than a day (I have actually read all four books in three days.)
I want to bring up one concern with this series. With any spy/terrorist/thriller series there has to be a bad guy or a group of bad guys. In this series the Homelanders are the bad guys. The Homelanders are a group of Americans that are discontented with the country and have been recruited by a fanatical Islamic group to commit terrorism on US soil.
Just like I do not want Fred Phelps to represent Christianity to others, there are many Muslims that do not want Islamic terrorists to represent all of Islam. Klavan uses Islamo-facists to describe the terrorists. But there is not any real reference to Islam or worship of Allah in the books.
As an adult I can take it all in and dismiss what I want. If you are reading these with your teen, I would suggest you have conversation about Islam, terrorism and how a few radical elements in a group can affect the perception of many. There are discussion questions at the end of each book and some of them are pretty good. Others are ‘Sunday School’ questions that have an obvious answer.
Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audiobbook
The complete series as a single ebook, The Homelanders, is now available for $10.99.
Other Andrew Klavan Books Reviewed by
- The Last Thing I Remember (Homelanders #1) by Andrew Klavan
- The Long Way Home (Homelanders #2) by Andrew Klavan
- The Truth of the Matter (Homelanders #3) by Andrew Klavan
- The Final Hour (Homelanders #4) by Andrew Klavan
- Identity Man by Andrew Klavan