Offsite Review: The Quest for the Trinity by Stephen Holmes

Holmes, Stephen R. The Quest for the Trinity: The Doctrine of God in Scripture, History and ModernityBrian LePort has a good review of Quest for the Trinity at his blog  After reading several positive reviews of Quest for the Trinity I think it is going to be my next book on the Trinity.  I am a chapter from finishing The Mystery of God: The Theology for Knowing the Unknowable, which has a very good chapter on the Trinity.

As I have said before, I am increasingly convinced that the theology of the Trinity is important for the future of Evangelical theology and particularly because Evangelicals have a very short Historical Theology, we need to be reading books like the Quest for the Trinity to ground our theology in the historical church.

Here is the beginning of Brian’s review:

The doctrine of the Trinity is something I confess to be true, though I must admit that is leaves me quite perplexed at times. Readers of this blog who are familiar with my story know that I entered Christianity through a Oneness Pentecostal congregation. Oneness Pentecostals deny the doctrine of the Trinity, so my earliest formation consisted of heavy doses of anti-Trinitarian rhetoric and polemic. Later, as I began to study for myself, for a variety of reasons it became apparent to me that it was wise to talk about the Christian God using the language formulated by Christian Creeds, Councils, and important theologians over the centuries. I admit that my approach to the Trinity fits into the slogan, “œfaith seeking understanding”. All in all, my brain doesn’t process metaphysical matters with much precision. I enjoy pondering and meditating upon what it means for God to be God, but I am not intelligent enough to talk of the divine in new or innovative ways (or, as some might say, I am intelligent enough to not talk about the divine in new and innovative ways), so I aim to understand why Christians have spoken of God as Triune from the posture of a confessing learner.

continue reading the rest of the review at

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