New Kindle Lending Page

I have been working on creating a lending page for my kindle books that are authorized to be loaned.  This is a new feature that was added to the kindle at the end of 2010.  It is limited, each book can only be lent one time.  And during the lending period, it is not authorized to be read by the person lending the book.  And the lending period is only 14 days.  So you want to make sure you can read the book in the 14 day period (because unlike a library, you cannot check it out again.)

I have a fairly good number of books that are authorized to lending.  But Amazon does not make it easy to find out which books are lendable.  You need to look at each book page individually.  So I am slowly working through my kindle library.  I have just over 324 130 50 books on my list right now and I will eventually get the whole list on the lending page.

Here are the instructions for borrowing.  1) go to the lending page.  2) choose the book you want and leave your request in a comment on this post.  Use your amazon email address in the comment form (not public) because I have to use the  email to invite you to share the book.  3) only choose one book at a time.  4) I will remove the book off the page once it has been lent to someone.

You will receive an email from Amazon with instruction on how to borrow the book.  Very simple.

Let me know if you have any suggestions, questions or comments.  Here is the Amazon support article about how to lend books if you are interested.


I have moved my list of books to Goodreads so that you can sort and look for books easier.  Still leave a comment (here or any other place on the blog).


0 thoughts on “New Kindle Lending Page”

  1. Love it. I had a similar idea, but didn’t have many lendable books.

    Comments aren’t enabled on page, but I’d like to borrow Mocking Jay. I just started Catching Fire.

  2. I think this is an awesome idea. I’m not sure why Kindle hasn’t done this before but what I don’t understand is why the book can only be lent out for a max of 14 days. Also why the person can’t borrow it again if they don’t finish it in that allotted amount of time?

  3. I got a kindle! Pick one book that you suggest from your lendable books. Anything. The one that you think I should read. Going on vacation tomorrow morning. Doesn’t matter.

  4. I would love to borrow the great parents lousy lovers book-i think i really need it. great idea (i hope it works because i’m in israel)

    • I sent the book. For anyone else, make sure that you use your Amazon account email address, not the emal address for your kindle.

  5. Great idea! I don’t remember over how many pages I got to yours…lol. I finally broke down and got a kindle. I would like to borrow “Learn me good”. Thank you.


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